Enjoying Mooncakes in a Healthy Way During Mid-Autumn Festival

Photo by Alexa Soh on Unsplash


As the Mid-Autumn Festival approaches, the air is filled with the aroma of freshly baked mooncakes, a beloved tradition that brings families and friends together. However, the high sugar, fat, and calorie content of these delectable treats can pose a challenge for those seeking to maintain a healthy lifestyle. In this article, we will explore the nutritional values of different types of mooncakes and provide practical tips to help you enjoy this festive delicacy in a more balanced and mindful way.


Mooncake Varieties and Their Nutritional Values

The traditional double-egg-yolk-lotus-seed-paste mooncake is a staple during the Mid-Autumn Festival. A single piece of this type of mooncake (about 190 grams) can contain up to 890 calories, 55 grams of fat, and 55 grams of sugar (equivalent to 11 teaspoons).

In contrast, snowy mooncakes, which have a lighter and fluffier texture, typically contain fewer calories and less fat. A piece of snowy mooncake (about 190 grams) has around 667 calories, 35 grams of fat, and 27 grams of sugar per piece. While still quite rich, these mooncakes can be a more moderate option.

Many mooncake brands now offer reduced-sugar versions of their products. These can be a better choice for individuals who need to monitor their sugar intake, such as those with diabetes. While reduced-sugar mooncakes contain less sugar than the original versions, it’s important to note that they may still be relatively high in sugar content. As such, they should not be consumed in excess, even if they are a lower-sugar alternative to traditional mooncakes.


Eating in Moderation

Given the high sugar and fat content of traditional mooncakes, it is crucial to practice portion control. The Department of Health recommends that a healthy serving size for a double-egg-yolk-lotus-seed-paste mooncake is no more than one-eighth of the whole piece. This small portion can help you enjoy the flavour without overindulging.

Beyond mooncakes, the Mid-Autumn Festival also offers a bounty of other traditional foods, such as star fruit, pomelo, and glutinous rice balls (tong yuen). While these items can be delightful, it’s important to be mindful of their nutritional profile, especially for those with specific dietary needs.

Pomelo is a good source of vitamin C and dietary fibre, but its high carbohydrate content means that those with diabetes should consume it in moderation. Individuals with chronic kidney disease should avoid consuming star fruit, as studies have shown that eating star fruit can have a harmful, toxic effect for people with kidney disease.

Glutinous rice balls, a popular dessert during the Mid-Autumn Festival, are also high in carbohydrates and calories, and should be enjoyed with caution by those with diabetes or overweight.


Balancing Festive Feasts

Family reunion meals during the Mid-Autumn Festival often feature rich dishes, which can further contribute to excess calorie and fat intake. To maintain a balanced diet, consider the following tips:

  1. Choose lean protein sources, such as steamed fish, abalone, prawns, or skinless chicken.
  2. Limit the consumption of high-fat items like pork belly, pork knuckles, goose feet, deep-fried or braised dishes.
  3. Opt for healthier cooking methods like steaming, boiling, or stir-frying.
  4. Encourage the inclusion of fibre-rich foods, such as vegetables, fruits, brown rice, and red rice, to promote satiety and better digestion.


Beverage Choices and the Importance of Hydration

When it comes to beverages, traditional Chinese tea can be an excellent choice during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Tea is rich in antioxidants and has been associated with various health benefits. Drinking tea has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. The antioxidants in tea, including catechins and flavonoids, can help protect your cells from oxidative stress and inflammation, which are contributing factors to these chronic conditions. Additionally, the caffeine in tea can provide a mild stimulant effect, which may boost mental alertness and physical performance.

For those seeking to manage their weight, the hydrating nature of tea can also help you feel fuller, which may curb overeating. To enjoy tea in a healthy way, avoid adding sugar, and consider sipping it hot or iced, depending on your preference.


Staying Physically Active

While the Mid-Autumn Festival is a time for indulgence, it’s essential to maintain a physically active lifestyle to help balance the excess calorie intake. Engaging in activities like hiking or brisk walking can be a wonderful way to enjoy the autumn scenery with family and friends, while also promoting better cardiovascular health and weight management.


In conclusion, enjoying the variety of mooncakes during the Mid-Autumn Festival requires a careful approach. By understanding the nutritional profiles of different mooncake varieties, practicing portion control, and incorporating healthier lifestyle choices, you can fully embrace the festive spirit while prioritising your well-being. Remember, the true essence of this celebration lies in the joyful gathering of loved ones, and with a little mindfulness, you can savour the flavours of the season without compromising your health.


Photo by Alexa Soh on Unsplash

健康享用月餅 歡慶中秋佳節













  1. 選擇低脂蛋白質來源,如蒸魚、鮑魚、蝦或去皮雞肉。
  2. 限制進食高脂肪食品,如五花腩、豬手、鵝掌、油炸或紅燒的菜餚。
  3. 選擇蒸、烚或少油炒等較健康的烹飪方法。
  4. 鼓勵攝取富含纖維的食物,如蔬菜、水果、糙米和紅米,以促進飽腹感和消化。








Consumer Council has compared 5 different categories of mooncakes for their contents of fat, calories and sucrose. | Consumer Council

Centre for Health Protection – Mooncake Equations (chp.gov.hk)

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